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Sustainable Practices

Sustainability isn’t just a function; it’s built into every step of our value chain.

We’re Committed to Making an Impact

We are an invested industry and community stakeholder and gladly take up the role of engaged partner in building a sustainable and vibrant future for all. In 2023, we signed the United Nations (UN) Global Compact.


While each of the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) outline what meaningful progress looks like, there are four that resonate most with our business and ability to make a difference.  






To learn more about how we’re making an impact in these strategic areas, check out our 2022 Impact Report.  

Advancing Sustainable Agriculture One Field at a Time

Our partnership with Truterra to enroll all of our corn acres in a sustainable agriculture program gives growers access to the tools they need to implement the regenerative practices that are right for them. This program allows for meaningful carbon reduction in our value chain, while helping growers improve their soil health, increase their yields, and strengthen their profitability.  


"Ensuring my farm's success for the generations us of the highest priority to me. The balancing act required in regards to soil health, productivity, and profitability are constantly being analyzed. The data we get from the Truterra platform is invaluable in making decisions to secure our future."






Kelly Garrett

Owner and Operations

Garrett Land and Cattle









A Bold Commitment to Continuous Improvement

In 2021, Primient became the first corn wet milling organization to no longer use coal in any of our manufacturing plants. All three of our wet mills now run on natural gas powered cogeneration technology, ensuring no energy is wasted.


This change reduced our sites’ carbon footprint but also had impacts locally: reduced air emissions, less truck traffic and emissions delivering coal and hauling ash, and increased reliability for both Primient and its customers.


We’re committed to continuing to reduce our carbon footprint and have approved science based targets in line with the latest climate science and most ambitious Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) trajectory: 1.5°C.


Primient’s Approved Science Based Targets

2030 GOAL YEAR, 2019 BASELINE | Aligned with 1.5°C

Scopes 1 and 2: -46.2% absolute emissions *

Scope 3: -46.2% absolute emissions

Scope 3 FLAG (forest, land, and agriculture) goal: -26% absolute emissions **

Zero deforestation supply chain by 2025



* The target boundary includes land related emissions and removals from bioenergy feedstocks

** The target includes FLAG emissions and removals